Slalom Tricks

Latest Compilation: 8/27/99
Thanks to: Joshua Grant, Chris Schwab, Damon Poole, SkateFAQ, Cones+Wheels, and many others who have contributed greatly to my slalom and skating experiences as well as this list.

Disclaimer: If there is dispute about who invented or contributed to tricks please let me know so I can go about resolving it. I'm looking to the slalom community to help me get everything straight.


Forward Tricks
Two-foot 2 cone trick: Plainer than vanilla: feet parallel as you go around the cones
Forward Snake
Forward Monoline
2 cone trick: As Two-Foot, but with feet scissored (in a line; heel to toe).
VAR: Alternate leading foot after each cone.
Lazy Run 0 cone trick: Sprint to the cones then glide confortable over them, one foot on either side. No further motion required. ;D
2 cone trick: Two-foot but on toes. Legs slightly scissored
2 cone trick: Two-foot on both heels. Legs slightly scissored
Forward Cross 2 cone trick: Legs crossed over 1 cone, and open over the next
Alternating Forward Cross 4 cone trick: As Forward Cross, but switch leading foot in the cross motion.
Cone 1: Forward Cross Leading Right (FCLR);
Cone 2: open;
Cone 3: Forward Cross Leading Left (FCLL);
Cone 4: open;
Cone n: wash rinse repeat.
DoubleCross 2 cone trick: As Alternating Forward Cross, but eliminate the "open" cone.
Cone 1: FLCR;
Cone 2: FCLL;
Forward Cutbacks 2 cone trick: As Double Cross, but you lift the leading foot to bring it back for the cross on the next cone.
One-Foot 2 cone trick: As Two-Foot, but with one foot.
Forward Toe 2 cone trick: As One-Foot, but on the toe wheel of that one foot.
Forward Heel 2 cone trick: As One-Foot, but on the heel wheel of that one foot.
Alternating One-Foot 4 cone trick: As One-Foot, but switch feet: right foot for 2+2n cones, left foot for 2+2n cones, wash rinse repeat.
Forward Spiral 2 cone trick: As One-Foot, but loop around each cone. Yes, go all the way around the cone. Can also be done Two-Foot.
-Brodie Hynes?
Cross-cut 2 cone trick: As DoubleCross, but over 1 cone.
Cone 1: FCLR and FCLL over this cone as you pass over it. You end up doing a cutback for the 2nd cross. You exit this cone leading left. Cone 2: FCLL and FCLR over this cone as above. Again, doing a cutback for the 2nd cross. Yeah, it's really slow.
-Brodie Hynes
Frontal Lobotomy 4 cone trick: 2 cones Forward Snake, 2 cones Forward Cross.
Forward Telemark
(Half, Full)
2 cone trick:
Starburst double-extended cross, heel 360, dx cross etc
-Joshua Grant
TidalVine 2 cone trick: Should be renamed....
Cone 1: FCLR
Cone 2: Pass, come upcourse BCLR, go down course FCLR (or FCLL?)
-Brodie Hynes?

Backward Tricks
Snort n cone trick, where n>5. Powerslide through the cones with the aim of hitting as many as you can. The current record is either 26 or 30 held by Damon Poole.
-Damon Poole
Back Two-Foot 2 cone trick: As Forward Two-Foot, but backward. Harder than it sounds. Try the BackSnake instead.
Back Snake 2 cone trick:
Var: alternate leading foot in a "Scott's A/C wave" style
Back Toes
Back Heels
Back One-Foot
Var: Add a touch, a la Steve from Chicago.
Alternating Back One-Foot  
Backward Spiral
-Brodie Hynes
Back Toe  
Back Heel  
BackCross 2 cone trick:
Var: raise leading heel
Out-of-Phase Backcross OOP Backcross?
Freakshow Unnatural out-of-phase backcross
-Michael Matonis
Alternating BackCross  
Backward Cutbacks  
Back Cross-cut
-Brodie Hynes
A/C Wave
-Scott "ShadowCat"
Streetsweeper Thanks to Chris Schwab for the name!
-Brodie Hynes
Back Lobotomy  
Back Telemark
(Half, Full)
Whiplash Telemarked Freakshow
-Chris Schwab

Sideways Tricks
Sidesurf var: single and double Extended, single and double retracted(inverted)
Lobotomy The Original Lobotomy. Thanks to Damon Poole.
-Damon Poole
Heemin's Independent  
BabyRocker single alternating extended independent
-Chris Schwab
Rock-A-Bye 4 cone trick: FrontExtended, BackExtended, FrontRetracted, BackRetracted sidesurf
-Chris Schwab

Forward-Backward Tricks
Josh's New 'Vine I don't have a name for the new grapevine, though I think of it as a 'stall' rather than a gumby. I have two vars.. One being crossing the second cone in an alternated 'gumby'. The other goes along with my stall idea as the backcross of the grape is similarly stalled. It's hard to describe but start with the first stall, then the uphill foot curves backwards towards the opposing side of the course, remaining nearly horizontal (if you consider the line of cones to be the vertical)but with the toe pointing just slightly uphill. The rear foot also curves backwards but ends up being much straighter, with the toe pointing at the uphill foot's heel. It is a new foot position and has no name that I'm aware of.
-Joshua Grant
Eclipse front cross, quickly 'eclipse' the next cone with a tight sidesurf that brings you fully around the cone and back up the hill, continue with the motion doing a extra-tight 360 and backcross that same cone. This move is only cool looking when it is done quickly.
-Joshua Grant
Grapevine Var: Zero-Spin. || Var: Wavy.
Pearlstitch Many many least nine...
-Brodie Hynes
Half Remi a.k.a. Puke Run.
Swiss Monoline  
Speedvine mod a la
-Brodie Hynes
Procrastinater's Grapevine

-Brodie Hynes
Carted PearlStitch
-Brodie Hynes
Mobius Can be doubled.
-Joshua Grant
DoubleBand 2 cone trick: forward telemark Leading right, Back telemark leading right
-Brodie Hynes and Chris Schwab

Forward-Side Tricks
Supernova front cross, grapevine turn taken a bit further to a uphill foot cart to the wrong side, repeat.
-Joshua Grant
Forward RonCo 2 cone trick: It slices! It dices! It schplices! Truly a dream machine!
Cone 1: Forward Snake Cone 2: Sidesurf
Forward Rubberband  
Backward ShoppingCart Var: Unnatural (alternate leading foot)
Back Inverted ShoppingCart Var: Unnatural (alternate leading foot)
Back Gernie like above but feet stay on one side of the course (stays open)
Back Inverted Gernie (stays crossed)
Rubberband side surf; telemark
-Chris Schwab?

Backward-Side Tricks
Jacob's Ladder 4 cone trick 1 and 2 are inverted shopping cart 3.alternate to opposite foot backcross 4. uphill foot comes back for second 'cart'. So both carts will be on the same side of the cones.
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: SOLR (Side Open: Leading foot away from body, trailing foot close or behind.)
Cone 3: BCLL
Cone 4: SOLR
-Joshua Grant
Absolute Shopping Cart 4 cone trick: alternating inverted cart (though it should be an alternating ladder)
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: SOLR (Side Open: Leading foot away from body, trailing foot close or behind.)
Cone 3: BCLL
Cone 4: SOLL
-Joshua Grant
Reverse Supernova  
ShoppingCart Var: Unnatural (alternate leading foot)
-Damon Poole
Inverted ShoppingCart Orthodox: no lifting of the foot; harder.
Var: Unnatural (alternate leading foot)
-Brodie Hynes
Half Gumbyvine Former or Latter.
-Brodie Hynes
Inverted Gernie  

Combo/Mix/? Tricks
-Michael Matonis
Boop's Trick
-Betty "Boop" Thompson

Name Modifiers for Tricks
Orthodox Feet completely on the ground throughout the trick, especially applicable with backcross, shoppingcart and grapevine.
Extended To heel
Retracted To toe
Inverted Referring to shoppingcart.

Other Tricks
-Brodie Hynes
Drunken Sailor  
Crazy Legs or Crazy Cones through cones...