slalomskater . com
November 4, 2006
Basic slalom tricks: (turn off sound, please) (Skater: Brodie)
Clip 1: [15MB; 3min] One foot, heel-toe, toes, forward cross(right), forward cross (left), forward cross (alternating), double cross, out-of-phase double cross.
Clip 2: [14MB; 3min] Back cross (right), back cross (left), back snake (right), back snake (left), back cross (alternating), backstab, streetsweeper.
Clip 3: [14MB; 3min] Backwards shoppingcart (inverted), backwards shoppingcart, grapevine (right), grapevine (left), jacobs ladder?, back onefoot, t-stop (inverted).
See also video from Boston 2004
(My favorite)
Old List
That old list that was here? It's here.
Events Update
August 15, 2k4
Added pics and vids from the annual July 4th slalom gathering in Boston.
WAP Update
August 9, 2k
Our WAP section (, or go to and
click on Slalom) is now open. Only forward and backward tricks have been defined.
You'll note that the descriptions are quite condensed. Let us know how we can improve
this section.
Site Update
July 15, 2k
Thankfully not as many dead links, but mostly everywhere but the tricks section.
Backwards trick definitions have been informally completed, still working on the rest,
detailed descriptions are still in the works. There are also pics on the Boston and Chicago pages.
July 14, 2k
Yes, WAP as in Wireless Access Protocol. We'll be WAPifying the tricks section
as soon as I learn the markup. So stay tuned for "". No
longer will you be at the top of the course wondering which trick to do!
we're up!
May 19, 2k
Watch out folks, we got all dead links in the Tricks section. I still haven't finished
putting together the descriptions and step by step how to's for them.
Thanks for your patience
Eventually, I'll add an acknowledgements section to thanks those who helped.
In the mean time here's a starter: Josh for the insane progressive tricks,
Chris for skating with me in Chicago and coming up with all those side tricks I can't do,
Dave O'Connor for his offer to help and coming pics and video from the Boston scene
Matonis for his assistance with some tricks and inspiring me with his backcross,
the rest of the folks in Boston who helped me learn all this stuff,
the guys in Chicago for their hospitality on the course (and Laurent for not going all
out with his cutbacks),
SkateFAQ and Cones+Wheels for being the source to learn from in the early days,
and I got some more I can't remember now that I'll add in the coming months.
Send us your tricks! We're always on the look out for new slalom tricks.
This is the heart of this site. All slalom tricks that we know about will be
discussed in detail. Inverted Retracted Rubberbands to Eclipses, Starbursts
and the classic A/C Wave just to name a few.
The original slalomskater list [details]
Competitions, demonstrations, rules and course info.
July 28, 1999: CHARLESTON, SC [details]
July 4th, 2000: BOSTON, MA [details]
Pads! Skates! Cones! I just love it all and we're gonna talk about it all, too.
Well, when we get material.
Here are some people you're gonna want to run into while doing slalom. No wait,
some people you're going to want to SEE (and not run into) while doing slalom.
That and this is our bio section of contributors.
Detailing the places for slalom around the world: Boston, NY, Paris, South Beach,
San Francisco, just to name a few. Where to park, when to go and who to look for.
Updated Events, site revamp soon
Another successful day of slalom on Storrow Dr., Boston!
Matonis explains the quesadilla, complete with drawn pic.
00.03.05 layout put to HTML.
Progress is finally happening.
Joshua confirms the eclipse reenters just like the grapevine.
Shew sends in descriptions of the tricks we worked on over the
summer in Chicago. Most are based on side and shopping cart.
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