slalomskater . com
Slalom courses are setup nearly every day of the week. There is 1 main spot:
Oak Street Beach. There is a core group of about 8 people. Park in a parking garage;
expect to pay ~$17. Eats are abundant. If you like Chinese, try Jia's.
Season is from May to October.
Location and Times |
Oak Street Beach: between the 2 beaches on the concrete pier type thing. Look for the
spray-painted black dots on the concrete next to the asphalt running path.
Course gets setup between 4pm and 5pm during the week, ending about 7.30pm, and
about noon on Saturday and Sunday, ending about 6pm.
Contacts |
Courses |
Oak Street Beach: 2 straight courses on medium quality concrete (watch for divits)
that slope toward the water (perpendicular to the course) (yeah, eek.). Courses are
a lane wide. There are 2 lanes between the 2nd course and the water. The course next to the
jogging path is 25 cone (depending on who brought them) 6ft separation. The course closer to
the water is 25 cone 4ft separation. Sometimes windy. Beware oblivious pedestrians.
6ft course is bordered by a 1ft high concrete curb.
Parking |
Find a parking garage (State and ?) 'cause you're likely not to find parking at the Oak St. Beach lot.
Or just take the train in. Take care on the foot bridge, surface is horrible and slope
becomes steep quickly, with many pedestrians. Expect to drive around for 35min the first time
looking for a place to park. Time is due to traffic, but worth it.
Eats |
Jia's: on State and __. But you can't wear a hat.
?(place for subs)
Cheesecake Factory: by the North Face store. will need to have shoes.
Due's: You've heard of Uno's? yeah...
Really, there's something everywhere, but you'll need to have shoes.
Lodging |
Expensive. Try the burbs or stay with a friend. Otherwise, ____. (looking for suggestions)
Pictures and Videos |
Oak Street Beach:
Tony, a juggling landmark: [17.6k]
Courtesy John Baschab.
? doing backcross: [20.2k]
Courtesy John Baschab.
? and Lauren doing Back OneFoot: [23.7k]
Courtesy John Baschab.
Lauren doing OneFoot, Chicago style: [576k]
Courtesy John Baschab.
John doing : [1040k]
Courtesy John Baschab.
Many thanks to John Baschab for the pics and videos.
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