slalomskater . com
Cone: 5+ | DoD: ?.?
The Snort is a sustained powersilde through cones. The cones must be knocked over
for the trick to be considered successful.
Maybe not invented by Damon Poole, but perfected by Damon Poole.
Cone 1:
Powerslide through it.
Cone 2:
Keep going.
Cone 3:
Go as long as you want....or can, but at least 5 cones. (WRR)
Possible variations include those based on powerslide variations, such as the
Twisted T-Slide (pretzel slide?), NY Stop, and inverted powerslide.
Cone 1:
Enter desired slide position.
Cone 2:
Keep on going as described in the original. (WRR)
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Backwards Lazy Run
Cone: All | DoD: ?.?
I just gotta smile at this one. It's all in the sprint, and I do mean sprint.
Start as you would any intense speed run. Sprint as fast as you can to the course.
Switch to backwards, perhaps quite close to the cones, for effect of course.
And do the whole run open.
Cones: Just glide over them open. Feet at about shoulder width, or whatever you are comfortable at.
Hmm, one toes, heels, heel-toe, I dunno. The point is to make the run anticlimactic.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Two Foot
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Also parallel (I should probably change the name listed). This is harder than it seems, since you are keeping your
feet together, not scissored as in snake. Hips are square to the course.
Cone 1: Pass on one side of the cone. (right)
Cone 2: Pass on the other side. (left)
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Scissor legs and lead with the same foot through the course. There are roughly 2 styles:
surfing style and backcross style. Surfing style has your hips moving alot (along with your
upperbody. Legs are "fixed" together like 2 of those magnet-linked wooden trains, and you whip
yourself around the cones. The backcross style (I have no better name for it) is where you
approach from a backcross background, where your upperbody is still, hips are nearly still,
but your legs are doing all the moving around. Legs are essentially 70deg out of phase (thinking
back to algebra2 and trig days), as opposed to 180deg out of phase as they are in backcross.
(Ok, so they're out of phase AND phase shifted.... yeesh.) The latter lends itself to higher
Example leading right.
Cone 1: Legs scissored and skates in line, leading with right foot, passing on right side of cone
Cone 2: Still scissored and leading right, but passing on left side of cone.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Alternate leading foot each cone. OR do it on toes, or on heels, or heel-toe, or toe-heel (very hard), or....
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Bkwd Heel-Toe
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
A basic trick that gets tougher when going backwards. Why? That backward travelling heel
is difficult to control. But the trick is basic weaving in and out.
Cones: Slalom as in the snake.
Spinning variations, alternating lead every 2 cones (as in alt backcross, maybe some spins...
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Essentially, it's snake on toes. Get up to toes by rolling your rear (leading) foot to toe first, then trailing toe.
Take care to keep weight between toes, perhaps slightly favoring trailing toe.
Cones: Just like snake: weave around them.
None really, though I s'pose variations of this are also variations of others, such as backcross on toes,
lobotomy on toes, streetsweeper or AC Wave on toes.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Balancing on both heel wheels while slaloming backward. A mix between snake and twofoot (parallel),
as far as body position goes.
Cones: As snake or parallel.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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One Foot
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Yeah, balance on one foot while going backwards. Not as easy at it seems.
Cones: As in snake or parallel
Stick that leg way up, Donnie-style. :D
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Alternating One Foot
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Switch between feet while doing back 1 foot, maybe every 4-6-8 cones or so.
You should not miss any cones in the transition.
Cone 1: Do I need to tell you how to go around the cones 1 footed?
This already is a variation, I s'pose...
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Snake backward on 1 toe. Yes 1 and only 1 toe. Same toe. One toe. Going backward.
Cones: As snake, BUT ON ONE TOE!
How do you vary a toe??? Ok, fine, spin on it if you must. Or make a spiral out of it.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Skating on 1 heel backward for at least 4 cones. Why 4? 'cause it's harder than sustaining 2 and thus proving you can really do it.
Though it's really a 2 cone trick, as it 1 foot slalom. The difficulty is balancing on that 1 heel.
Cones: Cone path as onefoot or twofoot(parallel) or snake.
You need a variation?! Are you sick? Ok, let me know if you got one, but in the mean time, try swiss monolining it.
Yup, that fwd heel, bkwd heel, fwd heel, bkwd heel, ...
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 1 | DoD: ?.?
Stupid trick, but.... Spin/circle around each cone.
The difficulty is in translating your forward motion to circling the cone and then back to forward motion.
Cone 1: Circle around the cone as tightly as possible (like going around a rotary, or tight highway onramp). Pick CW or CCW.
Cone 2: As cone 1. (WRR)
Alternate CW and CCW circling of cones. Do it on one foot. Alternate while doing it on one foot.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
One of thee staple tricks. Can be done leading right or leading left.
Open is when you pass over a cone as if you were standing normally, feet separated at least cone width (plus epsilon).
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: Open
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Do it on toes. Do it heel-toe. Out of phase it. Turn it into a freakshow. Alternate. Eliminate the open. AC Wave. Streetsweeper.
Nearly every backwards trick can be considered a variation.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Out of Phase BackCross
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
This is a backcross that instead of following the course line (straight) it follows the snake (or wavy) line (path).
Amplitude of wave (skate distance laterally from the cone) is approximately shoulder width.
Example done leading right.
Cone 1: Open, travelling left to right.
Transition: Carve back to the course by initiating the cross.
Cone 2: BCLR, travelling right to left.
Transition: Carve back, by initiating the open.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
For one, the Freakshow. Another: alternate lead.
Another: throw in an open cart on 1 cone, instead of an open, and make it a 4 cone trick: open, cross, cart, cross, ...
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Otherwise known as an Unnatural out-of-phase backcross. That means you are doing a backcross
following a snake (wavy) path, but you are leading the cross with the down hill leg, thus
sweeping to the leading foot side of the course. It's unnatural because when you cross,
you approach the cone blind, and somewhat awkwardly.
Invented by Michael Matonis in 1995(?).
Recall, the leading foot side of the course is that side in the course-frame, i.e. if you
are leading right, the leading foot side is the right side as you face downcourse.
Our example is leading with the right foot.
Cone 1: Open over the cone, going from leading foot side of the course to the other side. (travelling 45deg wrt dir. of course)
Transition: sweep back toward the course, initiating the cross
Cone 2: BCLR, travelling from left to right.
Transition: Sweep back toward the course, as you open in preparation for going over the next cone.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
This pretty much is a variation. But I guess you could do it blind(folded), or alternate as you would
backcross, maybe lobotomize it somehow... Let me know what you come up with.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Alternating BackCross
Cone: 4 | DoD: ?.?
Two cones of back cross leading natural foot, two cones leading unnatural foot.
You can start open, or start with left or whatever, so long as you cross, open, alt cross, open, cross....
Difficulty is all mental: getting your mind to let your unnatural foot cross. (Then crossing
sufficiently, and staying on a straight line)
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: Open
Cone 3: BCLL
Cone 4: Open
Cone 5: As cone 1. (WRR)
Make it wavy! So turn it into an alternating OOPcross or Freakshow.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Alternating backcross with no open.
About 1/4 the speed you'd do an alternating backcross.
Start with either cross, then alternate.
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: BCLL
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Add 360 between crosses, while going in a straight line.
Turn it into an AC Wave
Alt spinning backstab
Cone 1: BCLR
Transition: 360 CCW spin
Cone 2: BCLL
Transition: 360 CW spin
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
AC Wave
Cone 1: See trick desc.
Cone 1: See trick desc.
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AC Wave
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Essentially a backstab following a snake (wavy) path over the cones. (Out-of-phase backstab)
Uphill leg leads the cross.
Skate distance (during transition) from the course centerline (snake or wave amplitude) is approx. shoulder width.
Head can follow courseline, letting boddy swing back and forth.
The difficulty is in following the wavy pathline at a sufficient amplitude, and then coming back for the next cone.
Invented by Scott "ShadowCat" (?) from NYC, in 1995.
Example begins leading with right foot.
Cone 1: BCLR from right to left side of course.
Cone 2: BCLL from left to right side.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Since the AC Wave, is essentially an out-of-phase backstab, the first
variation is to make it unnatural (as in the Freakshow):
the downhill leg leads the cross.
Or just to a streetsweeper.
Unnatural AC Wave
Cone 1: BCLR from left to right side of course.
Cone 2: BCLL from right to left side.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Alternating spinning wavy backstab. Like an AC Wave with alternating 270s thrown in.
You can come at it from two ways: AC Wave or overrotated B-F grapevine transition. Originally,
I came at it from the latter (I found it easier. Besides, it started as a mistake, "transition,
oops overrotation, oh no, wait, hey, it's a trick!").
From grapevine:
This is a wavy (or out of phase) grapevine, mind you.
Initiate backcross, go over cone, uncross and spin as if going to forward cross.
Don't stall and go into forward cross; let the momentum spin you till your back is
to the cone and initiate backcross leading other foot.
From AC Wave:
Let your upper body translate across the course instead of keeping your head over the
courseline. Before carving back to the course (or as you do it), spin leading with
the foot you just did the backcross with. After the 270, initiate the cross with
the other foot and continue back over the next cone.
Invented by Brodie Hynes in 1997.
Cone 1: BCLR, travelling from right to left.
Transition: 270 CCW
Cone 2: BCLL, travelling from left to right.
Transition: 270 CW
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Make it unnatural (have downcourse leg lead). Throw in more spins. Go up course, a la the pearlstitch.
Spin opposite. Spin opposite on unnatural. My, there are more than I expected.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Similar to a backstab, but the feet do not remain on the ground, they are picked up and placed in
the cross position, but before passing the cone.
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 2: BCLL
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
Cone: 1 | DoD: ?.?
One of those really slow translation, fast foot tricks.
Cross leading however, then pick up the foot in order to get it around fast enough to
cross over the same cone again leading with the other foot, without stalling (too much).
You may have to have the first foot follow closely around the cone in order to maintain position
at the cone and still have translation downcourse.
Definitely a trick that is easier seen than described.
Cone 1: BCLR
Transition: Pick up foot to bring it around.
Cone 1: BCLL
Cone 2: As cone 1. (WRR)
Try alternating the cross. Heck, throw a spin between the cones... Go crazy. :)
Alt crosscut
Cone 1: BCLR
Cone 1: BCLL
Cone 2: BCLL
Cone 2: BCLR
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
Cone: 4 | DoD: ?.?
This trick lives up to its name. Join a 2 cone snake with a 2 cone cross. Repeat ad infinitum.
Cone ordering is not so important, so long as what comes out in the run is 2 cones of snake
and 2 cones of cross (or vice versa).
Invented by Damon Poole (originally done as a sideways trick; later adapted).
Cone 1: Snake on left
Cone 2: Snake on right
Cone 3: Open
Cone 4: BCLR
Cone 5: As cone 1. (WRR)
Alternate lead foot, thus making it an 8 cone trick. But this is also a modifier for other tricks,
as one could "lobotomize" a trick, by tagging on another trick, making a trick pair
to repeat at least 2-3 times sequentially down the course.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
There's half and full telemark. Half is just snaking the whole course leading (or squatting on)
the same foot/leg. Full alternates the squat/leading leg each cone. Oh, and you still snake the
course in full. I guess you could say full tele is an alternating half tele.
Body position on this trick is key: a small change in squat position makes it a different trick
(especially in the eyes of those who DO this trick).
Cones: Drop to one knee (no, don't drag it), and snake through like that.
Cone 1: Drop to right knee, passing on left side of cone.
Cone 2: Drop to other knee, passing other side of cone
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Extend or retract your leading foot. Idiot's telemark (dropping to same knee as side of course: It's easier).
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
A telemarked freakshow. That's right, telemarked crossovers....backward. Uhh, we better get Chris to describe this one.
Oh, and which leg to drop? You should be travesing to the side you are leading with on the cross; if dropped right, then
travel left to right on the crossed cone, and going right to left for the open cone. That's for the half AND the full.
The example half is leading right.
Invented by Chris Schwab.
Cone 1: Travelling right to left, you'll be telemarked (right leg dropped) open over the cone.
Transition: Carve back to the course (CW) and cross.
Cone 2: Pass over the cone telemarked and crossed, travelling (course) left to right.
Transition: Open the cross and carve back to the course to pass over the cone....
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Cone 1: Travelling (diagonal) right to left, cross leading left. (Thus left leg is dropped.)
Transition: Carve back toward the course (CW) and switch drop leg to right.
Cone 2: Travelling left to right, cross leading right.
Transition: Carve back again (CCW) and switch drop leg to left.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Make the full more interesting by eliminating the open, so you are doing a telemarked
unnatural wavy backstab (or a telemarked unnatural AC Wave). For a slightly easier trick, you
could also do a telemarked AC Wave, full and half. Hmm, that might me an AC Whiplash!
Coming in half and full sizes.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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