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Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
A telemarked freakshow. That's right, telemarked crossovers....backward. Uhh, we better get Chris to describe this one.
Oh, and which leg to drop? You should be travesing to the side you are leading with on the cross; if dropped right, then
travel left to right on the crossed cone, and going right to left for the open cone. That's for the half AND the full.
The example half is leading right.
Invented by Chris Schwab.
Cone 1: Travelling right to left, you'll be telemarked (right leg dropped) open over the cone.
Transition: Carve back to the course (CW) and cross.
Cone 2: Pass over the cone telemarked and crossed, travelling (course) left to right.
Transition: Open the cross and carve back to the course to pass over the cone....
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Cone 1: Travelling (diagonal) right to left, cross leading left. (Thus left leg is dropped.)
Transition: Carve back toward the course (CW) and switch drop leg to right.
Cone 2: Travelling left to right, cross leading right.
Transition: Carve back again (CCW) and switch drop leg to left.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Make the full more interesting by eliminating the open, so you are doing a telemarked
unnatural wavy backstab (or a telemarked unnatural AC Wave). For a slightly easier trick, you
could also do a telemarked AC Wave, full and half. Hmm, that might me an AC Whiplash!
Coming in half and full sizes.
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
| |
(((This is where the detailed description and pics/movies will go.)))
Step 1
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 2
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 3
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
VAR 1: (((This is where the detailed description and pics/movies will go.)))
Step 1
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 2
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 3
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
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