slalomskater . com
Cone: 2 | DoD: ?.?
Scissor legs and lead with the same foot through the course. There are roughly 2 styles:
surfing style and backcross style. Surfing style has your hips moving alot (along with your
upperbody. Legs are "fixed" together like 2 of those magnet-linked wooden trains, and you whip
yourself around the cones. The backcross style (I have no better name for it) is where you
approach from a backcross background, where your upperbody is still, hips are nearly still,
but your legs are doing all the moving around. Legs are essentially 70deg out of phase (thinking
back to algebra2 and trig days), as opposed to 180deg out of phase as they are in backcross.
(Ok, so they're out of phase AND phase shifted.... yeesh.) The latter lends itself to higher
Example leading right.
Cone 1: Legs scissored and skates in line, leading with right foot, passing on right side of cone
Cone 2: Still scissored and leading right, but passing on left side of cone.
Cone 3: As cone 1. (WRR)
Alternate leading foot each cone. OR do it on toes, or on heels, or heel-toe, or toe-heel (very hard), or....
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
Cone 1:
Cone 2:
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(((This is where the detailed description and pics/movies will go.)))
Step 1
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 2
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 3
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
VAR 1: (((This is where the detailed description and pics/movies will go.)))
Step 1
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 2
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
Step 3
And we're typing, and typing
Now we're typing in detail....
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